Fall Variety Recommendations

The varieties listed below will be ready for harvest in about 30-60 days or are so cold-hardy they can take some freezing weather. 

Arugula Cultivated and Ortolani

Beet Cylindra and Migliorati

Cima di rapa Maceratese, Quarantina, and Foglia senza Testa

Cabbage Cuor di Bue

Carrot Pariser Market (other varieties will hold well in the ground even in freezing weather)

Chard, all varieties

Chicory Bionda a Foglie Large, Catalogna Giant Chioggia, Grumolo, Spadona, Zuccherina di Trieste

Endive Riccia Romanesco da Taglio, Bubikopf


Kale Cavolo Nero

Kohlrabi Early Purple and Early White Vienna

Lettuce and Misticanza, all varieties can be harvested as baby greens

Radish and turnip, all varieties

Spinach, all varieties

Valeriana (Mache), all varieties