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Cucumber Half Long of Puglia (37-36)

Cucumber Half Long of Puglia (37-36)

Regular price $5.00
Regular price Sale price $5.00
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Cucumber Half Long of Puglia. Green cucumber-melon type that Italians favor. Picked small, they taste like a cucumber. Allow them to ripen more and they turn yellow and get sweeter. Early, productive, and a very nice taste. Pick before they lighten up in color. Sow 5-6 seeds/hill, spaced 4" apart, after soil is warm in the spring (a week or two after last frost date). Thin to 3 plants per hill. Space hills at three feet and rows at six feet. 55 days. 4 gram packet; approximately 70-100 seeds.

To see our growing guide for cucumbers, click here.

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